Your Golden Ticket

Launch Academy

By Launch Academy

February 1, 2022

We don’t get many chances in life to completely change who we are. But what if there was a new way to reinvent yourself?  Launch might be your golden ticket...

No gimmicks. No sales pitch. Just two options.

But first a little background. Until recently, if you wanted to learn to program you only had two options: go through a 4-year computer science program, or teach yourself. The cost and time commitment of a 4-year university program isn’t something that most people can swing, and self-teaching can be incredibly difficult. For most learners, neither option is a good fit. Enter: The Programming Bootcamp—a third option that sets learners up for real-world success in a relatively short period of time. Think of a bootcamp as traditional education’s cooler twin brother.  

But here at Launch Academy we knew just one extra option wasn't enough. So how could we provide more than one alternative to traditional, and often unsuccessful learning paths? Enter our Online AND On Campus programs.

Our on-campus program is designed to get you to full-fledged programmer as quickly as possible. You’ll eat, sleep, and breathe code for 10 weeks straight in a collaborative environment designed to simulate the workflow you’ll find on a professional software team. By the time you graduate, you’ll have a robust project portfolio and a holistic understanding of the development stack. 

Our online program covers the same material as on-campus, but with a more flexible approach, allowing you to juggle life and coding without sacrificing the quality of your learning. But that doesn’t mean this is some passive “just press play” approach to learning—we take highly personalized steps to focus on learning for humans by humans. In addition to weekly 1-on-1 mentorship sessions with a Launch Academy Engineer (not a 3rd-party contractor), students can drop in virtually during daily live office hours, or chat with the on-call engineer when they’re stuck. Real people, offering real support, on your own time. 

So, whether you’re looking to join us in Boston for our on-campus bootcamp or you want something more flexible, we’ve got you covered. The countdown to Launch starts now.